
2023年12月1日—'Elseif'inbashscripting,oftenwrittenas'elif',isusedtocheckmultipleconditionsinyourcode.Itisusedwiththesyntax,if[ ...,2022年11月14日—Let'sseeanexamplewherewewanttofindifthefirstnumberisgreaterorsmallerthanthesecondone.Here,if[$a-lt$b]evaluatesto ...,2022年8月3日—Weuseif-elseinshellscriptswhenwewishtoevaluateacondition,thendecidetoexecuteonesetbetweentwoormoresetsofstatements ...,2...

Bash 'Else If' Statement

2023年12月1日 — 'Else if' in bash scripting, often written as 'elif' , is used to check multiple conditions in your code. It is used with the syntax, if [ ...

Bash If Statement – Linux Shell If

2022年11月14日 — Let's see an example where we want to find if the first number is greater or smaller than the second one. Here, if [ $a -lt $b ] evaluates to ...

How to Use if

2022年8月3日 — We use if-else in shell scripts when we wish to evaluate a condition, then decide to execute one set between two or more sets of statements ...

How to Use If-Else Statements in Shell Scripts

2023年11月9日 — The If Else statement compares the value of the “name” variable with the string “John” using the “==” operator. If the condition is true, it ...

Learn To Use If Else In Shell Scripts In 4 Steps

2023年6月30日 — The if-else in shell script is a valuable tool for shell programmers. It is used to choose a particular code block based on how the conditional ...

linux shell 条件判断if else, if elif else.... 原创

2017年5月30日 — 文章浏览阅读10w+次,点赞15次,收藏54次。linux shell 条件判断if else, if elif else...._linux if elif else.

Shell Script if else 條件判斷式

2016年12月27日 — Shell Script if / else 條件判斷式 · $1 = 123 ]. then. echo var is 123. fi. if / else 寫法: · 7. 8. #!/bin/sh. if [ $1 = 123 ]. then.

Unix Linux Shell

The statement is the next form of control statement that allows Shell to execute statements in a controlled way and make the right choice.

[Shell Script]Day04-if else 判斷式

今天就先介紹到這邊,好像只有一點點而已,不過慢慢的我會加快速度! 小心~坐穩囉!!!

【Shell Script】if ... else 條件判斷式

【LeetCode】0019. Remove Nth Node From End of List. Given a linked list, remove the n-th node from the end of list and return its head.




Linux Bash環境下,輸入指令不留痕跡的作法

Linux Bash環境下,輸入指令不留痕跡的作法
